Governing board
The Governing Board’s objective is to review the school’s mission, assure quality and integrity, review major changes in the curriculum, endorse strategic planning, monitor financial data and assess the Managing Director’s performance.
The Governing Board meets between 3 and 4 times per year and is composed of an independent chairperson, representatives from Sommet Education as well as independent members.
Pierre Salles, Chair
Owner & Co-Founder
HES Hotels & Management Co.
15 Rue Henri Regnault
92380 Garches | France
Valérie Truelle
Chief Financial Officer
Sommet Education
Rue Saint Martin 7
1003 Lausanne | Switzerland
Fabien Fresnel, Ph.D.
Chief Operating Officer
Sommet Education
Rue Saint Martin 7
1003 Lausanne | Switzerland
Benoît-Etienne Domenget
Chief Executive Officer
Sommet Education
Rue Saint Martin 7
1003 Lausanne | Switzerland
Suzanne Lévesque
Secrétaire Générale
Richemont International SA
50, chemin de la Chênaie
1293 Bellevue, Geneva | Switzerland
Laurent Wehrli
National Councillor (Elected member of the Swiss Parliament)
Tornafou 13
1823 Glion | Switzerland
Fabienne Lupo
Founder & CEO of LuXpo and ReLuxury
30 E Route du Prieur
1257 La Croix de Rozon | France
Alexis de la Palme
Chairman of the Management Board
Edmond de Rothschild Heritage
47 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris | France